
Welcome to the Reporting Point for Damage or Deviation.

At INDEBON, we are committed to maintaining quality sports facilities and fields. We believe that open communication with our community is essential to maintaining and improving the quality of our sports environment. That is why we have introduced the Damage or Deviation Hotline, where we value your help and feedback.

What can you report?

  • Defects to the sports facilities.
  • Damages to fields or infrastructure.
  • General problems or concerns regarding the facilities.

How can you report? Use the form below to notify us of any defects, damages, or other issues that require attention. We strive to process all reports as quickly as possible and respond appropriately.

Your input is valuable Your feedback is invaluable in keeping our facilities in top condition. Together, we work to create a sports environment that everyone can enjoy. Thank you for your involvement and for helping us improve INDEBON.

In the event of serious danger:
For urgent matters or emergencies, call 911 immediately. The hotline is for non-urgent matters.


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